Sunday, February 11, 2018

One year and 3 weeks later

P.S. This is the sequel to the next 28 days/weeks later franchise.  It's terrifying.

Especially since over this time not only have I not lost the near 40 lbs I had gained the previous year, but I've added on another 20 for good measure.  Just want to make sure I'm aware of how uncomfortable I feel doing anything, anytime, anywhere.  Sleeping included.

It's been weird.  By "it" I mean life since.... ugh, not even my last post, when I last started this blog.... even then it was called something else with the intent to launch myself into the world of being a writer.  That turned out well, didn't it? That life of blogging was doing alright, actually.  Until I started NaNoWriMo in 2013.  Then it stopped.  Obviously.  You think I’m going to try and cram in a blog post when I’m already attempting to cram in 50,000 words written in 30 days?  Spoiler: I did it.

Haven’t touched it, or this/that blog, since then.

In that time The BF and I got married, which would make him The Husband now.  We got a Corgi named Styrone, who is currently sitting here boofing at me for having moved my foot so he can no longer lick my toes.  The Husband also started a new job, quite the step up in the world of IT from his previous, which he got right out of high school.  Lastly, I started my own business, a home bakery, with my great-grandmother’s recipes (Peez).

Along with other random crap.  I do counted cross stitch to kill time while at farmers markets/events to sell my baked goods and have bee putting off getting them listed on Etsy.  I’m also putting off learning how to make a formal business plan so I can take my home bakery business to the next level…. Whether it’s a commercial kitchen or coffee-shop-bakery-kind-of-thing.

I still sink myself into video games, so I began streaming on Twitch.  Which I’m also flakey at.  I’m trying to get in the healthy habit again, investing in a gym membership and mostly eating better (as I stuff my face with Tostitos covered in melted, shredded Kraft cheese).

And to top all that off, here I am, making a blog post, a rant of a blog post, with no plan to make another one.  Oh dear god it’s like nothing’s changed.

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